You Can Never Laugh Enough

 The other day while I was puttering around, I laughed out loud. A short while later, I laughed again. It's funny what you realize about yourself. I laugh a lot. Ask anyone who has worked with me. It did not take much to get me laughing. When I'm super tired, I really laugh to the point that I'm almost crying. That's when my staff knew to watch out because I was going to get really silly. Sometimes I find something funny and I try to tell someone near me why I'm laughing but I laugh so hard, I can't get it out, which just makes me cry more. I think that might have been the first hint to the my staff that I was truly happy about retiring. I feel like I laugh more the last few months of the business, even during stressful times, than I had in years. 

Years ago when my grandmother was really up there in age. I mean, we are talking nearing 100 or at least in the high 90's... she really didn't remember who any one was. She would tell you things that showed she had no idea who you were. One day when I was spending some time with her and other family members, I probably did my usually guttural laugh and my grandmother came alive. "Is that you my Georgianne? I love your laugh". Well, 10 minutes before she was telling me that she had lost her daughter (my mother) and she literally had no idea who I was. Ah, but the laugh. That crazy, wacky laugh of mine brought her back, if only for a few minutes. 

Anyway, I realized that I laugh a lot. I love this picture of Kevin and I below. It was one of our first formal events, attending a wedding of a friend.  It's who we have always been and 40 years later, it's still us. We still laugh a lot. Perhaps a little more than usual because we are being given this time (that many others don't get) to reinvent ourselves. Thanks for reading!! 


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