Psychic Readings - Do you believe in them?

Back in 1987 I had a psychic reading from my Mother-in-Laws cousin. She didn't do readings for a living. She did it for fun and was known for being naturally gifted.  Kevin and I were newly married and trying to buy our first house. She told us it would not work out and most of what she shared came to pass within a matter of months. So accurate! I was amazed!  She was giving me hints as to what was going to unfold in my future, which included her telling me that I would get into a very creative business, which I did - the Flower Biz! 

The one part of the reading that made no sense for years and years, was that she said I was going to be a writer. "You are going to write, but I'm not sure what, hm, this is strange,  I can't quite figure out what you are going to write but you are going to be a writer." I can tell you for sure, that I thought that part was never going to happen. I failed Junior English in High School and had to repeat it. I was never good at grammar or spelling and I did not pass a Business Writing Class in College. Me, a writer? Never. 

Fast forward 10 years and now there is this "thing" called the internet, websites and web pages called  Blogs. By definition, blogs are regularly updated web pages that are written in an informal or conversational style. I learned very quickly, that having a blog would be a powerful way to reach my customers. 

I posted my first blog on March 17th 2008 on this very same platform called "Blogger" that I still use today. The title was  "Sympathy Flowers - They are Important" . At the time customers were telling us that funeral flowers were unnecessary and too expensive. I understood the reasoning. We were at the beginning of what would become known as the Great Recession and consumers were feeling the pinch. Flowers were just for the day and was the expense really worth it? When I lost my father years before, my mother attributed how loved he was with how many flowers he was going to have at his service. She was afraid that there wouldn't be any and it made her very anxious. When she walked into the funeral home and saw all those flowers, she was relieved and I was relieve for her. 

As you can imagine, having customers argue with me that they shouldn't have to pay a lot for flowers for a funeral was a bit frustrating, as I knew exactly how much they meant to the family that had suffered a loss. I also understood the financial burden, as I was running a business during a very bad economic down turn myself. I had to let employees go and had to restructure my business.  I was stuck in the middle of the debate which even 15 years later rages on in flower shops all over the world. 

How powerful it was for me to be able to blog about it. To put my personal story behind my opinion and share it with customers. Not a lot of people read it, it had no pictures and wasn't well written but I WAS A WRITER!!  I wrote a total of 961 posts for my flower shop and a total of 23 posts on another blog geared towards helping florist run successful shops. It had come true and the reason that she could not tell me how I was going to write is because it had not been invented yet! How cool is that!!? Psychic Readings - have you ever had one? Do you believe in them? 


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