Daily Walks and Loving Spring for the First Time

In September I started taking daily walks through and around my home. At first I was trying to drop some weight (which sadly has not happened) but now I do it for my mental health. I can't believe how awesome I feel during and after my daily walks.

We had a fantastically warm autumn and so it was so easy to keep to the walks. When winter was on it's way, I figured that I might need to retreat into a gym or even become a mall walker. Low and behold, all winter I continued to do my walks around my neighborhood. We had a pretty mild winter with zero snow but even on 25 degree days, I bundled up, walked and got some fresh air. 

Spring has always been my least favorite season of the year. I know as a past florist, that might seem weird but it's true. Although I loved the blooming bulbs and the flowering trees, I always felt the chilly, rainy days a bit depressing. At work we went from holidays like Easter into Administrative Professionals Week, which kept us hopping. Then we rolled into the holiday of all holidays for Florists known as Mother's Day and then zoomed into wedding season. 

April and May were spent in a blur of work and worry with never any time to stop and smell the roses (or tulips). As days got longer, it meant nothing to me because the busyness of the shop meant longer work days with no time to stop and admire the view. It felt like the trees bloomed beautifully one day and the flowers fell off the next. It's just the way the season appeared to me, blowing by in a blur. 

Now that I'm retired and have more time, I know that simply isn't true. I've been able to really stop and see Spring for what it is. This year, the season has seemed to go on and on in addition to coming a bit early.  As one tree finishes blooming, it seems like another type is just starting. As the daffodils began to die off, the grape hyacinth are popping up. I admit, I'm even enjoying all the dandelions that have started to show up on the lawns.  

One of my favorite things to do is to take pictures of the different things I see on my walk. I love to post them on my Facebook. Sometimes they are of clouds in the sky, a painted rock outside someone's condo, a family of deer or a funny squirrel. Of course, now that everything is blooming, I have to take pictures of the gorgeous blooming trees. 

As I walk, I listen to things on my cell phone while wearing a head set. I listen to inspirational videos,
favorite songs (I can listen to hour long versions of Canon in D), walking meditations and even ghost stories.  I like having something to listen to because it keeps my mind on track and from wandering to negative thoughts, which has been a problem for me.

Without being far from my house (which is good for bathroom breaks) I can walk past homes, streams, woods and playgrounds. It's a busy area with lots of folks walking dogs, kids out playing and I love watching both the big and little planes landing at the close by Trenton Mercer airport.  I've gone to a few parks but I'm mostly happy walking around where I live with so many directions that I can go.

I started with 4,000 stems, then went to 6,000 steps and now I'm trying to do about 7,000 steps which is about 3 miles. I don't walk everyday but I certainly walk at least 5 days and I have to say that I love what's it's done for me. Not only do I have stronger legs, don't get out of breath as easily as I used to but now I love Spring!! All in all, it's a big win for me!!  


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