I Can Still Get On a Roll

 Yup, if you get me talking about the flower business, I can still get on a roll. Anyone that has ever had any interaction with me, especially in person, knows that I can really get riled up when talking about the flower business. Do I love it? Yes. Do I want to get back into it? No but man, I had some good times and some annoying times and when asked about it, I can really get going. 

Recently, I was sitting at the community pool with the hubby and a neighbor came by. Since we are home more, we've actually met some neighbors! Wow, what a change. Anyway, our neighbor Chris came by and sat with us for about an hour. Of course, we talked about his previous career of 20 years in corporate and 20 years teaching 6th and 7th grade. He talked about how much changed in those years and how once it was time to retire, he was a bit relieved to not have to learn something new. I admit, I felt the same over the last year or 2 of my career. Then we talked a bit about the flower business and like the title of this post - I was off and running!! It's still all pretty fresh in mind and I'm assuming that the core business has not changed much in the last year. The discussion turned to what I would have done if we stayed in business, the changes and updates I would have made.  Chris said "Are you sure you are retired, it seems like you still have lots of great ideas". I have to admit, that made me feel good. I still feel relevant, even though it's all in my head and not actually being implemented!! 

As you may or may not know, I'm still adding posts to my other blog site "Frankly Speaking Florally" which was a blog I started in 2008 to share insights into running a profitable flower shop while enjoying it. Not an easy thing to do!  Recently I was inspired by my many floral friends to "interview" them to find out  how they got into the flower business and what they think they have learned over the years. So far I've done 7 interviews and my floral friends seem to enjoy reading them. You can check them out HERE

I've also tossed a few "What I wish I knew then" posts too.  I feel like I still have much knowledge to share. I hope to add more topics soon. The most read post so far has been the one where I talked about an experience I had  Facebook Floral Group when folks got mad that I wasn't a current flower shop owner. Once I realized the group rules said I had to be a current flower shop owner, I left the group but I did think I had some good advice to share. Oh well, you can't win them all. 

So, 1 year into retirement and still loving it. We've enjoying hitting some pretty towns, picturesque wineries, trying new restaurants, meeting up with friends taking in some movies. We have a few trips planned with next month taking us to the Grand Canyon Southern Rim and October taking us to upstate New York and into Canada. Nothing planned for November but then December has us jetting down to Miami to see a Miami Dolphins/Jets football game. This is a bucket list moment for Kevin as he's been a Miami fan since the 1970's!! 

I hope you are enjoying your summer!! Fall will be here before you know it so have some fun in the sun. 


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