Just a Something I've Been Thinking
Ok, fair warning, somewhat morbid post ahead. Well, I don't think it is because it's a thought I've been thinking and I don't think of myself as morbid but others might not agree.
A little background first. If anyone was my customer at the time we closed the shop, you might have seen a little bit in the email that was very personal. I felt like it had a major role to play in retiring a bit early and why I was so unwilling to sign another lease and work another 5 years in the business, even though we were unable to find a buyer.
In my email I stated that I wanted to retire while Kevin and I were young enough to enjoy it. I mentioned my own father who had died at 60. He always wanted to retire to his beloved home state of Virginia and live on the lake. I'm proud to say that Kevin and I helped him and my mother to buy that Lake House and they took many vacations there over the years. Sadly, retirement did not work out for him but at least he did get to enjoy his last year or so in that Lake House.
Let me tell you a little bit about my father. My dad was handsome, very youthful looking with piercing blue eyes. When I was growing up, my friends would say "Oh your 3 brothers are so cute and I would say "Ew, one of those guys is my dad, I only have 2 brothers". He was a quiet man. No really, he was. He spoke so little that when he did, you knew it was important. He could also deliver a very dry joke that had you wondering if he was serious or not. My favorite memory of him with Kevin was when we were engaged to be married and talking about the wedding and where we might live. My dad, with head down, quietly said (while he crunched on his salad, yes, when he ate salad it crunched) "You'll be back". Kevin stopped eating. Kevin looked at me. He looked at my mother. He did not not know what to make of this announcement. With the most serious face he said "Mr. Foster, I promise, I'll take good care of her, we won't need to come back". My mother and I almost busted a gut!! That was my father! When he spoke, you listened, even if he was being sarcastic or joking. He then offered a ladder and some money for McDonalds because it would be cheaper then a wedding. All kidding aside, my dad loooovvveeed Kevin. My father was not very emotional and rarely said nice things, but he did say that Kevin was like a son to him. Awwww...... so sweet, even now when I think about it. The feeling was mutual, Kevin adored and respected my dad. Ok, so here's for the morbid part. And for the record, when I mentioned it to Kevin he freaked a bit and said "Yikes, why would you be thinking about that", so clearly, I never mentioned it again. For all those years since my father left in 1992, I've kept that number 60 in mind. If you have read my blog, you know I was 59 years old when I left working and for me turning 60 was going to be a big one. Shortly before my birthday I realized, my father did not die at 60. He passed at 60 years and 7 months (give or take a few days). That became my next milestone. Not something I obsessed about, just something always in the back of my mind.I knew the date for me would be February of this year. If I made it through February, into March, I had surpassed how long my father had lived on this gorgeous, amazing Earth. So now it's March and there is a part of me that saying "Daddy, I did it for you, I made it". Morbid? Maybe but it's honestly what I've been thinking about and that why I created this blog so that you poor souls could have some insight into my mixed up, crazy mind.
Thanks for reading and indulging this former florist, now wonky retiree. For the record, life has been mostly grand. Bumps in the road for sure but I refuse to let anything get me down. Life is a gift and some get fewer days then others. Everyday can be a good one if you have the right mindset. I've been very blessed and I wish the same for you. Happy almost Spring!
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